Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What is A Trail Class?

The common trail class is a class that included many different obstacles for your horse. There must be at least six obstacles that the rider is to perform. Of those six, three must be from the following list:
  • open, pass through, and close gate.
  • ride over at least four logs or poles that may be in a straight line, zigzag, curved, or raised
There also must be three obstacles from the following optional list:
  • water
  • serpentine obstacles at a walk or jog
  • carrying of an object
  • walk over a wooden bridge
  • put on and remove a slicker
  • side pass pole
These are some obstacles that are not permitted in a trial class:
  • animals
  • dismounting
  • elevated poles or logs that roll
  • flames, noise, dry ice, fire extinguishers
  • ground tying
  • hides
  • jumps
  • PVC poles
  • rocking moving bridges
  • tires
  • water box
While judging the trail class, the rider should be able to ride the obstacles with a good speed that is appropriate for the course. Also, the horse should be alert and responsive to the rider. The overall look to the horse and rider should be natural. The judge wants to see that the horse and rider are working together. There should be no fake movements and the horse should be light on the bit and all cues that the rider is asking of the horse.

You will become disqualified if you:
  • going out of order in the class
  • illegal equipment or abuse of your horse
  • obvious cues to lower the horse's head
  • touching in front of the cinch
  • rearing, bucking, etc.

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