Friday, October 21, 2011

Polo...A Shirt Or A Sport?

Polo is a horseback game in which the objective of the game is to score points against the other team. A mallet and wooden ball is used. The mallet is what is used to push the ball along the court and if you are lucky enough, into the opponents goal.

During outdoor polo, the field in which the game is played at can be up to 300 yards in length. There are four riders for the outdoor polo as where in indoor or arena style, there are only three players. This sport is played in sixteen different countries and is not a sport played in the Olympics.
There are rules and there is an umpire that is in the ring with the horses. When a penalty occurs he/ she will blow a whistle. When the ball is on the right side of the horse, this is considered the right of way. There are also fouls when a rider tries to intentionally harm another player.

The horses that are used for this event are called polo ponies. Many of these horses are a mix between Thoroughbreds or Thoroughbred crosses. Also, mounts should have different horses that they can trade between each different game so the horses do not get tired.
When there are four players on the field, player one is the most offense oriented person. Person number two is also important for offense reasons. They generally score points and are running around the field. Player number three is the most tactical player and they have the strongest hitting player. Lastly, player four is the most primary defensive player that tries to guard the other team from scoring.

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