Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What Are The Judges Looking For In A Western Pleasure Class?

When competing in horse shows, you win based on what the judge thinks. Have you ever wondered what they are looking for? These qualities are for the stock breed horses.

Western Pleasure:
  • This class is judged on the condition, conformation, and performance of the horse with the performance being the most important component. Horses in this class should move freely, smooth, and without effort. They should be relaxed at the poll with the nose not being over vertical. The nose should also not be sticking out. The neck should be parallel with the withers. Too low or too high of head is not desirable in a western pleasure class. The horse should be willing to work with the rider and should be smooth with every transition. Most importantly, the pleasure horse should be a pleasure to ride.
  • The walk should be a nice four beat gate covering the ground well. The horse should look alert and energetic. The walk should be straight and free flowing.
  • The jog should be a smooth, balanced two beat gate. This should be natural. If the horse is trotting in the back, but walking in the front, the rider should be penalized as this is not a true gate.
  • The lope should be smooth and relaxed. It is a three beat gate that should also be natural. When traveling left around the arena, the horse should should be on the left lead and when traveling right, the right lead. If the horse is loping in the front, but trotting in the back this is considered unnatural and the rider should be penalized.
  • The class should consist of a walk, jog, and lope. The horse should also asked to be reversed in which they turn into to ring and lastly, the horse should be asked to back.
This is a Quarter Horse competing in Western Pleasure. We can see
that this horse looks alert and happy. The neck is parallel with the withers
and the nose is not behind vertical. The appearance of the horse also looks

This an Arabian in Western Pleasure. This breed has different judging
standards than a Quarter Horse. This horse does though exhibit very nice
pleasure like qualities. The horse's gait is natural looking and the horse looks

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