Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Starting Out A Baby.

To begin to allow a young horse to get used to people is to touch them everywhere. Begin by using a rope halter and a long lead rope. Rub your hands over the horses neck, face, back, legs, and belly. This will help the horse later when you want to begin by putting on equipment. More than likely young horses will not want their face touched. This is a personally space that even humans do not like touched. be gentle when touching the horses face and do not ever hit them there. Hitting a horse in the face will make them head shy and this will make everyday tasks harder to accomplish.

A great place to also start is by touching the horse in their ears. They will not like this, but with practice will come perfection. A good rule of thumb is to distract the horse while touching their ear. Try playing with their nose or neck when touching their ear. This will teach the horse that their ears are okay places to touch.

Next, rub the horse over their neck and mane. Rubbing the horses neck is pleasurable for them. Usually this is wear riders will pet the horse when they do something good.

Rubbing your hands up and down the horses legs will get them used to their legs being touched. This is good for when the farrier comes out. A horse that has a problem with their legs being touched will have a hard time with the farrier. Another good reason to touch the horses leg is for their protection. If the horse ever gets caught in fence they will freak out. They will be less scared if having their legs touched is not a new experience.

When riding Western style many riders use a flank strap. Touching the young horse under the belly will get them ready for this experience.


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