Monday, November 21, 2011

Therapeutic Horses.

Sometimes horses can be associated with therapeutic riding. This is where men, women, and children can use horses as a way to deal with their dissabilities. Autistic children have found many benefits associated with the riding of horses. This was first developed in Germany for patients that had Scolios. Many people with emotional dissabilities also have a positive time from riding horses. Forming a bond with a horse is very beneficial. They never get amd at you or put you down. Horses can be someone's best friend. They are very easy to emotionaly connect too. Horses, after knowing you for a while will bond with the rider. I know my horses will neigh when we walk out to the barn. This makes you feel good. For people with depression this will help.

When dealing with patients of autism riding a horse can help with many of their symptoms. This riding may help with communication, motor skills, and social skills. Riding a horse for therapeutic reasons is beneficial because communicating with a horse is different than a human. You must be gentle and the horse and rider work together. This is especially important because the autistic child can really learn from the horse on how to be gentle to get their point across. Also, be autsistic the children have a hard time focusing on one thing so riding a horse, the child can focus on just one thing, the horse.
Not only can autistic children benefit from riding a horse, so can the parents. It is a way to see their child succeed and this is really benficial for the parents too. I suggest even if you are having a bad day, ride a horse. You will feel so much calmer and realxed.

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